Lee Gurtha Hughes Scholarship
Lee Gurtha Marie (Hughes) Greene was born in Des Moines, Iowa on March 1, 1939. She graduated from East High School and Des Moines Technical Institute of Data Processing. She was very active in religions social and civic affairs during her years in Des Moines. She was an active member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church and founder-director of Philomathean Debutantes. This scholarship was initiated by former Philomathean members, in the year of 2009 when all of the members had experience turning at least 60 years of age and achieving most of their professional goals. This scholarship is a tribute to Lee Gurtha Hughes, who mentored young African-American women through the teen years by way of the Philomathean Debutante Club. Lee Gurtha led this group of teens by her own “mother wit and wisdom” on into early adulthood. The sponsors of this scholarship include family and friends of the Philomatheans who wish to recognize the work so graciously gifted by Lee Gurtha Hughes.